Holistic Healing 2-day Retreat


How often do you come across a person who deeply loves their work, builds vibrant and meaningful relationships, and carries themselves with a sense of deep peace, joy and grace? High-functioning, well-integrated people seem to be the exception instead of the norm. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Working on self-development is one of the most powerful and compassionate things you can do for yourself and the world around you.

My holistic healing retreat uses a body, mind and spirit approach to self-growth, incorporating a range of modalities to help you get in touch with your highest self and truly flourish.

You’ll leave feeling more aligned with your soul’s purpose, with a fresh perspective on which areas of your life need changing or restoring. You’ll be better equipped to live in a more balanced and healthy way.


2 day retreat = $590

Includes: Meals, accommodation, workbooks, breathwork, counselling, reiki, tarot, and healing sessions.

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